The Rumble with John and Matt

15 -"Wives for the West" Where They Came From and How They Shaped the Pioneer Age of the West

Smith and Bollinger Real Estate Team Season 2 Episode 2

Episode 15 of the Rumble features Arizona history enthusiast, Kathy Weir. With over 10,000 members on her Fred Harvey/Mary Colter Fan Facebook Page, she answers all of John and Matt's questions about the significance of these two figures in the history books. 

Link to Kathy's page:

Located in Arizona? Reach out to John and Matt at Long Realty for all your real estate needs! John and Matt are ranked in the top 5% of all agents in AZ and have completed 500 + transactions!
John Smith - (520) 250-7384
Matt Bollinger - (520) 955-3164

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